Painface Title

Electronic Press Kit


PAINFACE is an American metal band featuring vocalist Anders Colsefni (ex-Slipknot [Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat]), guitarist Antonio Alaniz (ex-godkillgod, Devil With Cheese), bassist David Baker (ex-godkillgod, Devil With Cheese), and drummer Greg Stravers (ex-Junk Poet). Painface churns out blistering, well timed music with vocals that provoke brutal images of personal despair and dark fantasy.
Painface was formed in the winter of 1997 after Colsefni departed from Slipknot. The band self - released a self-titled 4 song EP in 1998 and a full length album titled “FLESHCRAFT” in 1999 to great fanfare. After numerous lineup changes,Painface went on hiatus in 2001. As Slipknot fans discovered the limited copy Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat album, they discovered Colsefni and Painface. Colsefni was inundated with requests to reform the band. Colsefni brought Painfaceback together in 2011 with some of Des Moines' best battle hardened musicians. After sifting through several lineup changes, the band finally settled in on its current configuration. In late 2013, Painface released a 4 song demo titled “Skullcrusher” to give the fans a taste of what is to come.
Painface has awoken from its slumber and it isn’t smiling, it is a reinstatement of the power and energy that drove fans to frenzy during shows in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s. New musicians and songwriters, new music, new drive, and many more years of experience bring together a truly bone crushing metal experience. Painface is a scream from the working-class.

Contact us at :

Anders Colsefni
Antonio Alaniz